1·Construction plant, warehouse, office building, dormitory and other facilities, the purchase of equipment 32 (set).
2·The company should start producing cars at a new plant currently under construction in Beijing by the end of 2011, Mr. Wang said.
3·The company runs bamboo plantations, using the fast-growing plant for construction and paper.
4·In the Kutch region ofGujarat, construction of a coal-fired power plant forces Sangbhai andhis buffalo to detour down paved roads and past boundary walls to findwhat grazing land remains.
5·They then started looking for investors to help pay for the construction of a plant and to provide much needed capital for a company that is highly leveraged.
6·The headline news for the coal industry in 2010 was what didn't happen: Construction did not begin on a single new coal-fired power plant in the United States for the second straight year.
7·The Bushehr plant, which has been under construction for many years, is now being loaded with fuel.
8·Bank of the Volga river before the plant construction in 1950.
9·The first phase of construction of 8-hundred-thousand million tones per annual Iron Ore Pelletization Plant has been successfully completed and commissioned.
10·With earmarked funds secured by Texas senator Kay Bailey Hutchison, Green Freedom has plans to build a demonstration facility at a nuclear power plant set for construction in West Texas.
相关的专用基金得到了德州参议员凯•贝利·哈奇森(Kay Bailey Hutchison)的支持。“绿色自由”已经计划在一家核能工厂内开发一台演示设备,用于德州西部地区建设。